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Museum currently exhibits 3161 unique bags.

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Tap Air Portugal

Approximate Vintage: 1999
Received From: Valtteri Mujunen
Print or Image Color: Gray
Background / Bag Color: White Plastic
Clean and minimalistic.

Tap Air Portugal

Approximate Vintage: 1999
Received From: Petr Hosek
Print or Image Color: Gray
Background / Bag Color: White Plastic
Clean and minimalistic. Same as other 1999 bag, except the instructions on the back are left justified instead of centered. Note the error: each step is "Step 1" Corrected on later bags.

Tap Air Portugal

Approximate Vintage: 2000
Received From: Ben Burgess
Print or Image Color: Gray
Background / Bag Color: White Plastic
TAP tries again to fix the bag's reverse. The instructions are not centered, nor are they wrong (with two first steps).

Tap Air Portugal

Approximate Vintage: 2001
Received From: Andy Rudge
Print or Image Color: Gray
Background / Bag Color: White Plastic
TAP modernizes its boring bag by adding a red adhesive strip to supplant its white one. Truly revolutionary, NOT!

Tap Air Portugal

Approximate Vintage: 2005
Received From: Gilles Beger
Print or Image Color: Gray
Background / Bag Color: White Plastic
Tap finally discovers capital letters, but unfortunately forgets that the acronym TAP means TAP Air Portugal, not TAP Portugal.

Sickness Guru Rui Rochetta says, "Just so you know, TAP Portugal means Trasportes Aereos Portugueses. So TAP Portugal is just the short version they've adopted instead of the English TAP Air Portugal".

Tap Air Portugal

Approximate Vintage: 2006
Received From: Jan Tomasek
Print or Image Color: Green
Background / Bag Color: White Plastic
TAP goes green, but the bag is still unispired, just like this description.

Tap Air Portugal

Approximate Vintage: 1999
Received From: Denir Camargo
Print or Image Color: Gray
Background / Bag Color: White Plastic
Tap tries again to fix the back of the bag. They still have Step I denoted for both steps, but on this particular bag they show a dotted line on the first Step I (if that makes sense to you).

TAP Air Portugal

Approximate Vintage: 2010
Received From: Denir Camargo
Print or Image Color: Black
Background / Bag Color: White
Now a member of the Star Alliance, so the logo changes slightly, but mention of the Star Alliance is prominent.

TAP Air Portugal

Approximate Vintage: 2011
Received From: Denir Camargo
Print or Image Color: Black
Background / Bag Color: White
Still a member of Star Alliance, but the logo is now at the bottom of the bag, not the top.

Tap Air Portugal

Received From: Peter Brown
Print or Image Color: Red, Black
Background / Bag Color: White Plastic
This is like the other Red Tap Air Portugal bag except they printed a phrase in black that says, "THE AIRLINE OF PORTUGAL". The instructions actually make sense but the bag is still unremarkable. Portuguese people must get airsick a lot because they have a 5 letter word for it, 'enjoo'.

TAP Air Portugal

Approximate Vintage: 1970
Received From: Andrew Angel
Print or Image Color: Red, Green
Background / Bag Color: White
Really cool old bag with a flattened green bird on the front. Although these days TAP uses plastic bags, this example shows that they used paper bags over 40 years ago.

TAP Air Portugal

Approximate Vintage: 2015
Received From: Oliver Conradi
Print or Image Color: Green
Background / Bag Color: White Plastic
I'm not a big fan of these flimsy plastic barf bags whose printing is exceedingly light colored. The only difference between this bag and its predecessor is the Star Alliance part.

TAP Air Portugal

Approximate Vintage: 2018
Received From: Rainer Schwartz
Print or Image Color: Black
Background / Bag Color: White
Now a member of the Star Alliance, so the logo changes slightly, but mention of the Star Alliance is prominent.

Identical to the 2010 bag except words are now only printed on the front of the bag.

TAP Air Portugal

Approximate Vintage: 2019
Received From: Rainer Schwartz
Print or Image Color: Black
Background / Bag Color: White
Now a member of the Star Alliance, so the logo changes slightly, but mention of the Star Alliance is prominent.

Very similar to the 2018 bag except the words "TAP Portugal" now says "Air Portugal". A small but critical difference.

Tap Air Portugal Retrojet

Approximate Vintage: 2017
Received From: Wolfgang Lüthje
Print or Image Color: Red, Blue
Background / Bag Color: White
Back in 2017, Tap outfitted a plane in retro fashion complete with old logos even on the Air Sickness Bags. I believe this bag comes from that jet.

Tara Air

Approximate Vintage: 2010
Received From: Gerd Clemens
Print or Image Color: Green, Yellow
Background / Bag Color: White
Very similar to Yeti Air, in fact Tara Air is a subsidiary of Yeti, so you won't be surprised to see the barfing lady on the back of the bag. Excellent Nepalese bag!


Print or Image Color: Blue
Background / Bag Color: White
Using a slightly modified and rotated peace symbol as their logo, this back looks like it was typed with an old Underwood.

Avid historian, Michael Roberts says, "the Tarom symbol may look like a 'slightly modified and rotated peace symbol', but its history can be traced back to the 1920s and as certainly around in the early 50s, some 8 years before the CND came up with the 'peace symbol', as it now known."


Received From: Christoph Vogel
Print or Image Color: Blue
Background / Bag Color: Brown
Old style bag with the rotated peace symbol. Almost identical to another Tarom bag, except this is on a brown paper lunch bag, not a white sack.


Received From: Christoph Vogel
Print or Image Color: Navy
Background / Bag Color: White
Identical to 1995 version except the printing is Navy Blue, not Tan/Gold. Also note that the logo changed ever so slightly from earlier bags -- as you can no longer confuse it for a skewed peace sign.


Approximate Vintage: 1995
Received From: Walter Brinker
Print or Image Color: Light Tan
Background / Bag Color: White
Wingnut inscribed in a circle logo.