Welcome to the Air Sickness Bag Virtual Museum!

Museum currently exhibits 3161 unique bags.

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1972 Republican Convention

Approximate Vintage: 1972
Received From: Alex Grech
Print or Image Color: Blue
Background / Bag Color: White
A beautiful museum piece -- the essence of what this collection embodies. I don't really know too much about the history behind this bag, but the Neo-American Church of Florida is somehow affiliated with, or a predecessor of the Sub-Genius movement, for those that are familiar with that. The description of The Right Reverend Paul Elliott as a Primate is indicative of the sensibilities of this particular church.

40 Mile Air

Received From: Bruce Kelly
Print or Image Color: Blue
Background / Bag Color: White
Enormous bag from an Alaskan charter that specializes in Sheep, Moose, Caribou & Bear hunts. Their motto is "First in Service, But Safety First" [not for the sheep, moose, caribou, and bear though].


Approximate Vintage: 2010
Received From: JK Terry
Print or Image Color: White
Background / Bag Color: Black
Big black plastic bag that directs you to fly540.com.

A. Soriano Aviation

Received From: Janusz Tichoniuk
Print or Image Color: Black, White
Background / Bag Color: Silver, Red, White
Very fancy silver background, much like metallic paint on a sports car. However the name of the company is pretty bad. It's almost like the 2nd half of a Q&A:

Q. Are we not men?
A. Soriano Aviation Devo!

A.M.Z. Borselle

Received From: Bruce Kelly
Print or Image Color: Navy
Background / Bag Color: Brown
This Dutch bus bag reads more like the name of a 60s era movie: Westingel 1 Goes Holland!


Approximate Vintage: 2000
Print or Image Color: Orange and Gray
Background / Bag Color: White
At first glance, this bag would seem identical to the 2001 version, but upon closer scrutiny, you can see that the shadowing under the letter 'a' is missing in the 2000 version. Furthermore, there is no orange rectangle on the back of this bag either.


Approximate Vintage: 2001
Received From: Harry Robertson
Print or Image Color: Orange and Gray
Background / Bag Color: White
Note how the sun casts a shadow on the letters. Nice touch.


Approximate Vintage: 2003
Received From: O Enciso
Print or Image Color: Orange and Gray
Background / Bag Color: White
At first glance, this bag would seem identical to the 2000 version, but upon closer scrutiny, you can see that the shadowing under the horizontal lines at the top are gray, not orange.

Plus they added the words "Por el respeto" meaning that they respect vomit bags, I guess.

ADAC Postbus

Approximate Vintage: 2015
Received From: Rainer Schwartz
Print or Image Color: Black, White
Background / Bag Color: Yellow
What a great bag that has a map of all the cities you can get sick in in Germany. Hamburg, Berlin, Koln, Stuttgart, and Munich, each city with a different slang term for "barf bag". The back of the bag shows their Facebook page as well as a QR code for their newsletter.

Adam Air

Received From: Ryan Santoso
Print or Image Color: White, Orange
Background / Bag Color: Orange, White
I have no idea what Bantulah Kami means, but I'm guessing he's a rookie linebacker for the New England Patriots.

Nice logo of winged person (who probably jumped off a cliff only to find that their wings weren't all that aerodynamic).

This differs from other version because it actually has instructions.

Adam Air

Received From: Paul Mundy
Print or Image Color: White, Orange
Background / Bag Color: Orange, White
I have no idea what Bantulah Kami means, but I'm guessing he's a rookie linebacker for the New England Patriots.

Nice logo of winged person (who probably jumped off a cliff only to find that their wings weren't all that aerodynamic).

This differs from other version because it has no instructions.


Received From: Bruce Kelly
Print or Image Color: Teal
Background / Bag Color: White
Adria -- the airline that doesn't believe in capital letters. Actually, I really like the design of this bag, although there's nothing remarkable about it.


Approximate Vintage: 1992
Received From: Daniel Kahleyss
In Daniel's words: I obtained it in 1992 from their first A320, when they just had become flag carrier of newly independent Slovenia.


Approximate Vintage: 2002
Received From: Petr Hosek
Print or Image Color: Navy, Gray
Background / Bag Color: White
Identical to 2000 bag, except the design is printed much lower on the bag. Is it different than the 2000 bag or did the printer just get drunk and screw up the registration and positioning of the design? Hell if I know.

A single mutant navy logo living amongst a battalion of clone gray logos. Sort of what it's like to be Jewish in Texas.


Approximate Vintage: 2005
Received From: Dieter Schuttyzer
Print or Image Color: Navy, Gray, Green
Background / Bag Color: White
Adria combines the large lettering of the 1992 bag with the small widgets of the more contemporary bags creating a melange of designs that are just plain sensible.


Approximate Vintage: 2007
Received From: Thorsten Hecht
Print or Image Color: White
Background / Bag Color: Navy
This bag kind of mangles the Croatian joke with an English translation gone bad. "A bag, you may confide all your altitude problems to." You can see that the translator did a word by word translation because of the confusing usage and the identical placement of the comma where none is required. Also, someone please tell the translater that proper English sentences never end in a preposition.


Approximate Vintage: 2011
Received From: Petr Hosek
Print or Image Color: Blue, Black
Background / Bag Color: Blue, White
The evil Star Alliance strikes again, forcing cash-poor airlines to redesign all their stuff to make sure of brand allegiance to the all powerful Alliance.


Approximate Vintage: 2012
Received From: Rainer Schwartz
Print or Image Color: Navy, White
Background / Bag Color: White, Navy, Green
Well Adria decided to update again. This time the bag has nice blue and green stripes identifying the bag's usage.

Aegean Airlines

Received From: Tim Gibson
Print or Image Color: Red, White, Navy
Background / Bag Color: White and Navy
Finally, an incredible bag that gives you something to do: connect-the-dots! The only problem is, the connected dots dots form a drawing of the female reproductive system.

Aegean Airlines

Received From: Jürgen Klein
Print or Image Color: Red, White, Navy
Background / Bag Color: White and Navy
Finally, an incredible bag that gives you something to do: connect-the-dots! The only problem is, the connected dots dots form a drawing of the female reproductive system. This bag is identical to the prior version except the sunset has been debugged a little bit. On the former bag, you can still see part of the sun that set, but it's fixed on this bag.

Identical to other 2004 bag, except this bag was manufactured by some undecipherable company, as noted in the gusset.