Museum currently exhibits 3161 unique bags.
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OK, Bag Monster is a moronic name, but Monster has become a catch-all phrase for "Hey, this will help you do something" This section will help you find the bags you're looking for (like you're really looking for them). Leaving everything blank will retrieve a list of all bags, however that may cause the page to load slowly.
Also notice that the bag features 3 photos. The Beach photo disappears in 1999, then in 2000 the Matterhorn photo is replaced by the beach photo.
Also, Bruce Kelly notes that both Balair and Crossair have 5 film offer bags. I only seem to have 3 of the Balaircta bags at the moment. In this particular bag, the film company has been in business 28 years. Alternate bags exclaim 25 years (I only have this one in Crossair), 27 years (2 different versions -- one with APS [whatever that is], one without), and 30 years. Some day, I'll add progression information to the site.