Welcome to the Air Sickness Bag Virtual Museum!

Museum currently exhibits 3161 unique bags.

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OK, Bag Monster is a moronic name, but Monster has become a catch-all phrase for "Hey, this will help you do something" This section will help you find the bags you're looking for (like you're really looking for them). Leaving everything blank will retrieve a list of all bags, however that may cause the page to load slowly.

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Received From: Ulrik Christensen
Background / Bag Color: Navy and White
This bag is a pre-cursor to the all-one-color Lufthansa bags. This bag sports a slightly off-center, odd blue stripe that gives you the impression that the bag is flipping you off. Identical to other old Lufthansa Bag except the gusset shows the manufacturer as "Hersteller: Deutsche Kard-O-Pak GmbH Neuwied/Rhein".


Received From: Matthias Koch
Background / Bag Color: Navy and White
This bag is a pre-cursor to the all-one-color Lufthansa bags. This bag sports a slightly off-center, odd blue stripe that gives you the impression that the bag is flipping you off. Identical to other old Lufthansa Bag except the bottom has the word Lufthansa in huge letters.


Received From: Robert Masumura
Background / Bag Color: Purple and White
This bag is a pre-cursor to the all-one-color Lufthansa bags. This bag sports a slightly off-center, odd blue stripe that gives you the impression that the bag is flipping you off. Identical to other old Lufthansa Bag except that this bag is purple and the gusset shows the manufacturer as "Deutsche Kard-O-Pak".


Approximate Vintage: 1985
Received From: Walter Brinker
Background / Bag Color: Pukey Tan-Gold
The unremarkable Lufthansa bag. How could something so plain look so unnatractive?


Approximate Vintage: 1985
Background / Bag Color: Pukey Tan-Gold
Exactly the same as the other lame Lufthansa bag, except the bottom on this bag is white. On the previous incarnation of this bag, the bottom is the same pukey color as the rest of the bag.


Approximate Vintage: 1986
Received From: Richard David Glueck
Background / Bag Color: Pukey Tan-Gold
Exactly the same as the other lame Lufthansa bags, except now we're treated to 3 lines of minimalism instead of 1.


Approximate Vintage: 1992
Received From: Ray Brunsberg
Print or Image Color: White
Background / Bag Color: Gray
Standard boring gray with condom-like logo.


Approximate Vintage: 1999
Received From: Michael Jordan
Print or Image Color: White
Background / Bag Color: Dark Charcoal


Approximate Vintage: 1999
Received From: Robert Masumura
Print or Image Color: White
Background / Bag Color: Dark Charcoal
Yawwwn, but yawwn with a serrated top.


Approximate Vintage: 2005
Received From: Dénis Renner
Print or Image Color: White
Background / Bag Color: Navy
Updated navy blue Yawwwn!


Approximate Vintage: 2005
Received From: David Shomper
Print or Image Color: White
Background / Bag Color: Navy
Lufthansa updates their boring bag twice in a year. This time, to pointlessly add two thin white stripes.


Approximate Vintage: 2007
Received From: David Shomper
Print or Image Color: White
Background / Bag Color: Navy
Lufthansa pointlessly updates their boring bag again. This time, to add the words "LSG Sky Chefs Catering Logistsics GmbH" to the bottom of the bag.


Approximate Vintage: 2012
Received From: Dave Koepp
Print or Image Color: Gray
Background / Bag Color: White
Same Lufthansa bag as always, except now the bag is white, which means that people can write on it and they'll end up throwing it out unused.


Approximate Vintage: 2014
Received From: Kate Lukof
Print or Image Color: Gray
Background / Bag Color: White
This bag is identical to the 2012 Lufthansa bag except the company mentioned on the bottom of the bag changed to Spiriant GmbH, whatever the hell that is.


Received From: Andrew Angel
Background / Bag Color: Blue and White
This bag is a pre-cursor to the all-one-color Lufthansa bags. This bag sports a slightly off-center, odd blue stripe that gives you the impression that the bag is flipping you off. Identical to other old Lufthansa Bags except the gusset shows no manufacturer at all. The printing on the bottom is a little different as well.


Approximate Vintage: 2020
Received From: Wolfgang Lüthje
Print or Image Color: Navy
Background / Bag Color: White
I guess Spiriant GmbH bought out Lufthansa as the bag says "363-0032 | Spiriant GmbH | www.spiriant.com"

Lundy Collectors Club

Approximate Vintage: 1989
Received From: Ian Luggar
Background / Bag Color: White
I don't have the slightest idea what this bag is all about. I believe there is an island in the UK called Lundy. A postage stamp club has formed there. Stamped on this bag are the words, "First scheduled sailing of the MS Oldenburg from Barnstaple * 6th August 1989 *" If you have any idea whatsoever what this is all about, please let me know.


Received From: Tom Leist
Print or Image Color: Teal
Background / Bag Color: White
Has a German Kard-O-Seal bottom. Every other Kard-O-Seal seems to be from Philadelphia.


Approximate Vintage: 1992
Received From: Ray Brunsberg
Print or Image Color: Teal
Background / Bag Color: White
It seems that only capital letters are used in Luxembourg.


Approximate Vintage: 2000
Received From: Christian Funch
Print or Image Color: Aqua and White
Background / Bag Color: White and Aqua
Clean, clear text makes this a nice bag. Not to mention the "Severe Tire Damage" logo.