Museum currently exhibits 3161 unique bags.
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OK, Bag Monster is a moronic name, but Monster has become a catch-all phrase for "Hey, this will help you do something" This section will help you find the bags you're looking for (like you're really looking for them). Leaving everything blank will retrieve a list of all bags, however that may cause the page to load slowly.
Barf Stud, Rod Young answers confidently: "The map on the Air Zermatt helicopter bag is of the canton of Valais. The purple section is the bit of Lake Geneva which belongs to Swizerland [bottom left of picture].
Nice copy on the bag that says, "You wouldn't believe what comes out of some passengers' mouths."
You'll laugh at antics most insaneA flight of fancy -- that's Airplane.You'll shake ... you'll roar ... you'll hold your tummy ...There's never been a movie so funny.And if with laughter you finally gag...Don't hold it in -- just use this bag!