Welcome to the Air Sickness Bag Virtual Museum!

Museum currently exhibits 3161 unique bags.

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OK, Bag Monster is a moronic name, but Monster has become a catch-all phrase for "Hey, this will help you do something" This section will help you find the bags you're looking for (like you're really looking for them). Leaving everything blank will retrieve a list of all bags, however that may cause the page to load slowly.

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I Feel The Urge To Vomit

Received From: Bruce Kelly
Print or Image Color: Black, Pink
Background / Bag Color: White
I don't know the background behind this bag but it appears to be a generic that has taken traction inside Ubers. It features a sick panda and says it's a "Vomit / Garbage collection bag"

On the back
  • This can be used for waste as well
  • Waterproof
  • Degradable materials
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Disposal safe
  1. Tear off the lid
  2. Vomit directly into the bag
  3. Seal and dispose of the bag in a waste container


Received From: Matthias Koch
Print or Image Color: Red and Blue
Background / Bag Color: White
I spend a lot of effort to seek out and expose dumb looking logos, even if what I'm seeing isn't there, but IAT's logo shows thought, creativity, and effort. The eagle head and the company name all mesh together well within the framework of the airplane of which they are part. Nice work, nameless designer.


Received From: Bruce Kelly
Print or Image Color: Red
Background / Bag Color: White
Wow, a huge monstrosity entirely in Spanish with lots of helpful instructions, such as "Y coloquese a un lade en el piso", which in English means "Have a colonoscopy on the side of the floor".


Received From: L. Jay Labe
Print or Image Color: Red
Background / Bag Color: Off-White
Just a simple bag with a simple logo, the IB and a crown. Has a small red block on the back (not pictured).


Received From: Ben Burgess
Print or Image Color: Red, Gold, Navy
Background / Bag Color: Tan
Finally, a "bag with a higher stability and better form"! I wonder who Pat Hermebol is? (I know, I know. Hermebol is a company that holds the patent).


Received From: Christoph Vogel
Print or Image Color: Red
Background / Bag Color: White
Probably not the best condition you'll find one of these bags in, but it does show the design. If you actually follow the bag's instructions, you'll find it extremely difficult to make that first fold, since it's so close to the top of the bag.


Approximate Vintage: 1995
Received From: Richard Baum
Print or Image Color: Red
Background / Bag Color: White
Iberia decides to add instructions


Approximate Vintage: 2012
Received From: Faith Quintero
Print or Image Color: White
Background / Bag Color: Navy
Same as every other Iberia bag, however the color was changed to white on navy. Although this costs slightly more to print, it prevents people from writing on the bag, thereby extending the life of said bag.


Received From: Peter Brown
Print or Image Color: Red
Background / Bag Color: Off-White
Just a simple bag with a simple logo, the IB and a crown. Identical to the one donated by L. Jay Labe, but that one has a small red block on the back, this one doesn't.


Received From: Andrew Angel
Print or Image Color: Red
Background / Bag Color: White
This is a quite old bag, probably from the early 70s. Has a halftone globe on it and no English whatsoever.


Approximate Vintage: 2020
Received From: Deena Cherenza
Print or Image Color: Red
Background / Bag Color: White
Judging from the logo, it looks like the designers just gave up and went home early after turning in a less-than-mediocre effort at bag design.

Iberia (ACS Germany)

Approximate Vintage: 1995
Print or Image Color: Red
Background / Bag Color: White
Identical to other Iberia 1995 bags, except has ACS Germany printed in the fold.

Iberia (ACS)

Approximate Vintage: 1995
Print or Image Color: Red
Background / Bag Color: White
Identical to other Iberia 1995 bags, except has ACS printed in the fold.

Iberia Regional

Approximate Vintage: 1999
Received From: Valtteri Mujunen
Print or Image Color: Blue
Background / Bag Color: White
Very simple and distinguished with no images.

Iberia Regional

Approximate Vintage: 2002
Received From: John Ryan
Print or Image Color: Blue
Background / Bag Color: White
Added German, Italian, and Portuguese, demonstrating that Iberia Regional may soon be Iberia Global or International.


Approximate Vintage: 2000
Received From: Valtteri Mujunen
Print or Image Color: Gold and Blue
Background / Bag Color: White
Sporting the 'Dancing Starfish playing Hula Hoop' logo, you just have to love the English translation on this bag. If you can figure out the 5 folding options, Iberworld solves the age-old problem of how to get a bag with 'better form'.


Approximate Vintage: 2003
Received From: Burckhard Rodens
Print or Image Color: Gold, Red and Blue
Background / Bag Color: White
The newer version still sports the 'Dancing Starfish playing Hula Hoop' logo, but they've rearranged the bag text, not to mention adding a blue stripe at the bottom of the bag. The English translation however, didn't seem to be a priority as it's still awful.


Approximate Vintage: 2005
Received From: Gerd Clemens
Print or Image Color: Gold and Blue
Background / Bag Color: White
The even newer version still sports the 'Dancing Starfish playing Hula Hoop' logo, but they've uncluttered the bag of instructions and got rid of any closing mechanism, as if that's somehow no longer a useful feature.


Received From: Gerhard Lang
Print or Image Color: Gold and Blue
Background / Bag Color: White
This bag features the smallest of dancing starfish logos.


Approximate Vintage: 2014
Received From: Rainer Schwartz
Print or Image Color: Black
Background / Bag Color: White
This bag is not only printed upside down, it also has a creepy eyeball on it. Balck on white makes it even more boring.