Welcome to the Air Sickness Bag Virtual Museum!

Museum currently exhibits 3161 unique bags.

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OK, Bag Monster is a moronic name, but Monster has become a catch-all phrase for "Hey, this will help you do something" This section will help you find the bags you're looking for (like you're really looking for them). Leaving everything blank will retrieve a list of all bags, however that may cause the page to load slowly.

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Pan Am (Blue Bottom)

Approximate Vintage: 1988
Print or Image Color: White
Background / Bag Color: Blue
Identical to previous versions except for telling German Kard-O-Seal markings on the bottom is blue now, not black.

Pan Am (Verbose Blue Bottom)

Approximate Vintage: 1990
Received From: Alex Kipfer
Print or Image Color: White
Background / Bag Color: Blue
They just keep changing the bottom. This sports a more loquacious blue Kard-O-Seal bottom.


Received From: Denir Camargo
Print or Image Color: Blue and Orange
Background / Bag Color: White
This bag would be a good start for people learning Portuguese as you can translate the English on the bag just about word for word. Also note that the root words of Pantanal (Pants, Anal) sound vaguely dirty.

Pantanal Linhas Aereas

Received From: Denir Camargo
Print or Image Color: Blue, Orange
Background / Bag Color: White Plastic
Before TAM purchased Pantanal, and even before recycling became de rigeur, Pantanal came out with this bag. Almost identical to their later offering, this bag is missing the ubiquitous recycling symol (♲) next to the Poliembalagans manufacturing info.


Received From: Robert Page
Print or Image Color: Blue and Orange
Background / Bag Color: White
The Paramount logo looks like it was printed by a defective dot matrix printer with Pac-Man/Sunrise logo.


Approximate Vintage: 2007
Received From: Alan Howlett
Print or Image Color: Black, Blue, Red
Background / Bag Color: Red, White
This radically updated Paramount bag now carries the motto "A world of difference", which I hope is not some Indian class stratification thing.

Passaredo Linhas Aereas

Received From: Denir Camargo
Print or Image Color: Yellow, Gray
Background / Bag Color: White Plastic
Cool splash of yellow on this Brazilian bag. Interesting website ending in .com.br instead of just .br.

Passaredo Linhas Aereas

Received From: Denir Camargo
Print or Image Color: Black
Background / Bag Color: White, Yellow
Pretty much the same as the other Passaredo bag, but much larger.

Pattern Match

Received From: Mark Dominus
Print or Image Color: Black
Background / Bag Color: White and Tan
This bag is part of the "Regular Expression" collection put out by Mark Dominus for his Perl class. I wonder what this expression matches?

Paul Frank

Approximate Vintage: 2005
Print or Image Color: Brown, Orange
Background / Bag Color: White
A beautiful designer bag from Paul Frank that says, "Paul Frank is your friend ™ (and would hold your hair while you barf)". The bag dispalys the dizzy monkey with several languages for Air Sickness Bag except Spanish, oddly enough. All in all, beautiful and whimsical.

PDQ Bach

Approximate Vintage: 2005
Received From: Michèle Eaton
Print or Image Color: Red
Background / Bag Color: White
From December 27-29, 2005, PDQ Bach creator Peter Schickele presented P.D.Q. Bach: A 40-year retrogressive at the Peter Norton Symphony Space. But no such concert would be complete without a barf bag. This one says, "For Use In Case of Cultural Discomfort". According to Peter Schickele, only 2500 of these bags were ever produced.

Peach Air

Received From: Aidan Stradling
Print or Image Color: Blue and Orange
Background / Bag Color: White
This bag from now defunct Peach Air, copies nonsensical geometric design components from Flying Colours. Or maybe the copying happened the other way around. Anyway, this bag is superior because the dove circling the "Globe on a toothpick" is much nice than the 3 warped parallelograms.

Peach Aviation

Approximate Vintage: 2014
Received From: Kimberly Lorin
Print or Image Color: Purple
Background / Bag Color: White
Upper case instructions, lower case airline name. Only about a dozen airplanes in their fleet.

Peel, Fold, and Seal Generic

Received From: Noa Miller
Print or Image Color: Black
Background / Bag Color: White
This one is made from recycled paper!


Approximate Vintage: 2003
Received From: Peggy Urbaniak
Print or Image Color: Blue and White
Background / Bag Color: Blue
Named after the Greek Pegasus, the white winged horse that makes you throw up. Maybe it should read Pukasus instead.

Pegasus Airlines

Approximate Vintage: 2015
Received From: Oliver Conradi
Print or Image Color: Red, Black
Background / Bag Color: White
Pegasus is a Turkish Airline. That's really all I know about this bag.

Pelita Air Service

Received From: Paul Mundy
Print or Image Color: Blue
Background / Bag Color: White
Has official looking logo that sports the vitally important message, "Pertamina". Nonsensical blue stripes work to make the bag look interesting.

Pelita Air Service

Approximate Vintage: 2002
Received From: Paul Mundy
Print or Image Color: Red and Gold
Background / Bag Color: Red and Pink
Pelita meets Garuda in this probably ripoff. The bottom of the bag says, 'unique air venture', which I guess it would be if you chunder.

Pengo and the Laundry Room Squelchers

Approximate Vintage: 2000
Received From: Joe Tunis
Background / Bag Color: White
This is a rare promotional item from the CD 'Miami Made a Mess Out of Me'. This CD is part of a limited edition of 100 and the air sickness bag is #50 out of 100 (see bottom of bag).

"A bombastic and over the top two band jam session played live over the radio. It's as if the bands were channeling all the bad voo doo in the Miami Beach area and shooting it out over the nights sky (ala Radio Cuba) and into some poor bastard's boombox in Little Havana and back again. A document of frequency modulation annihilation".

People's Viennaline

Approximate Vintage: 2016
Received From: Stefan Eiselin
Print or Image Color: Blue, Gray
Background / Bag Color: White
A cool bag from an Austrian airline having a fleet of 3 planes. The bag has a picture of a plane with the following text: "Auch schlechte Zeiten gehen vorbei. Merh Zeit Fur Sie. Mit Sicherheit." In English this means "Even this bad flight will end" or something like that.