Welcome to the Air Sickness Bag Virtual Museum!

Museum currently exhibits 3161 unique bags.

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American Airlines

Approximate Vintage: 2013
Print or Image Color: Blue
Background / Bag Color: White
Although this bag can easily be used as a Generic, I have only seem them on American Airlines flights. The copy says,


Please place in waste receptacle after use

Not for toilet disposal

Do not place in seat back pocket after use

American Falcon

Print or Image Color: Red and Blue
Background / Bag Color: White
The logo looks like nice orderly isoclines are being sucked off into the void by some invisible gravitational force, much as your stomach will be on an American Falcon flight.


Approximate Vintage: 1995
Received From: Glyn Carre
Print or Image Color: Blue and Yellow
Background / Bag Color: White

Ampek Comfort Bag

Approximate Vintage: 1990
Received From: Michael Anthony
Print or Image Color: Blue
Background / Bag Color: White
After a long stint with Van Halen, Michael says, "This is a bag which we marketed by mail order in 1990. The idea grew from a lot of business travel, two young children and the unavailability of these bags from anyplace other than airplanes. We figured that if we faced the problem of children getting car sick and the like, so would others. We contracted with the manufacturer in Florida to produce several thousand bags with our trademarked name and logo. Then we sent out press releases to editors of various family, parenting and travel publications. Travel editors for newspaper syndications were also included. As a result of write ups in the Washington Post, Lamaze magazine and some regional papers, we sold quite number to individuals, but sold larger quantities to health facilities. The product was carried in Magellan's Travel catalog as well.

In the end, we recouped our initial investment, made a little profit and then left the market to others. Honestly though, we haven't seen anyone else move into that space."

Amuri Flight Qatar

Approximate Vintage: 2014
Received From: Xusheng Chen
Print or Image Color: Brown, Gold
Background / Bag Color: White
Looks like the design was lifted from Qatar Airlines. The bag features a plan flying right at you (or away from you). It had better not hit those power lines it's headed towards.


Received From: Janusz Tichoniuk
Print or Image Color: Blue
Background / Bag Color: White
This is a pretty rare bag according to Janusz, supposedly it was used on this now defunct plane. But the thing I love about it is the cool peacock in full bloom.


Approximate Vintage: 1964
Received From: Dean Eckert
Print or Image Color: White and Blue
Background / Bag Color: Blue and White
According to Thomas 'Homer' Goetz, one of the leading barf bag experts in world, this bag is from Zen Nippn Kuyu, the Japanese name for All Nippon Airways. He goes on to say that it is probably from before 1964. He also says that it looks like it's missing the top tear off strip, a technology which Bruce Kelly verifies existed in Japanese bags as early as the late 1950's.


Received From: Robert Masumura
Print or Image Color: White and Blue
Background / Bag Color: Blue and White
Very similar to the 1964 bag, except notice that the instructional triangles on the top of the bag have changed. Perhaps the contrast wasn't good enough to see in the former version.


Received From: Robert Masumura
Print or Image Color: Blue
Background / Bag Color: White
The most interesting features of this old bag are found on the back. Sure, the 2 birds and 4 flowers on the front are cool, but check out the recursion on the bag drawings on the back, not to mention the instruction to "put stuffs in the bag".


Received From: Robert Masumura
Print or Image Color: Navy, Blue
Background / Bag Color: White
It's kind of hard to read the bottom of this bag, but it appears to have been manufactured by Alpo. Nice pointless diagonal stripe on the front.


Received From: Toshiaki Anan
Print or Image Color: Navy, Blue
Background / Bag Color: White
This bag has the same pointless diagonal stripe on the front as this one, but notice that the arrows pointing to the opening have changed. Also, the text says "In case of motion sickness" instead "This may be used for waste or airsickness", so apparently this bag doesn't do double duty the way the other one does. Also notice that on the bottom of this bag is the Ace of Spades.


Received From: Ralph Riffenburgh
Print or Image Color: Navy, Blue
Background / Bag Color: White
This is the newer version of the ANA with a diagonal stripe, but now there's no tab to tear off before barfing


Received From: Jo Boyd
Print or Image Color: White and Blue
Background / Bag Color: Blue and White
This bag is quite well done. Simple enough to figure out, but not so simple that you have no idea what the bag is for. Precise instructions in English, unusual for an Asian carrier.


Approximate Vintage: 1997
Received From: Christopher Wren
Print or Image Color: White
Background / Bag Color: Tan-Gray
Because of the sealing mechanism, this bag differs from its very similar cousin, the 1998 model. They kindly added instructions in support of this innovation.


Approximate Vintage: 1998
Received From: Brian L Chance
Print or Image Color: White
Background / Bag Color: Tan-Gray
I kind of like the checkered flag look. Japanese writing on bottom.


Approximate Vintage: 1999
Received From: Melanie Aultman
Print or Image Color: White
Background / Bag Color: Blue
English and Japanese text only. Let French speakers puke on themselves!


Approximate Vintage: 2000
Received From: David Goldberg
Print or Image Color: White
Background / Bag Color: Tan-Gray
It's fairly unusual for a bag to have different printing on the front, back, and bottom, but even more unusual when an airline changes all three! Kudos to ANA for fastidious attention to motion sickness.


Received From: Andrew Angel
Print or Image Color: Blue
Background / Bag Color: White
I'm not sure what ANA was thinking back in the 1970s, but the 2 birds and 3 trees on this bag are reminiscent of the 2 birds and 4 flowers on another bag of that era. The English is much better on this bag than the flower bag.


Approximate Vintage: 2009
Received From: Janusz Tichoniuk
Print or Image Color: White
Background / Bag Color: Blue
Very similar to the 1999 version, but they eliminated the words "All Nippon Airways" plus they added a logo and date to the bottom of the bag.


Print or Image Color: Navy
Background / Bag Color: Blue Plastic
According to the eBay seller, this bag is from the early 60s, which I find kind of hard to believe. I can't even verify that it's from ANA (All Nippon Airways).