Welcome to the Air Sickness Bag Virtual Museum!

Museum currently exhibits 3161 unique bags.

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Received From: Gerhard Lang
Print or Image Color: Red and Blue
Background / Bag Color: White
Sports British Union Jack with a fault line. A third line now magically appears underneath the logo where only 2 existed before.


Approximate Vintage: 1989
Received From: Andrew Breeden
Print or Image Color: Red and Blue
Background / Bag Color: White
If you didn't know any better, you might mistake this airline for one called 'Air U' with a nice crystalline growth structure. Instructions all capitalized, airline name all uncapitalized.


Approximate Vintage: 1995
Received From: Glyn Carre
Print or Image Color: Red and White
Background / Bag Color: Navy and White
They decided to make it look much more British.

AirUK Leisure

Received From: Rex Holt
Print or Image Color: Red and Blue
Background / Bag Color: White
If your flight is really late, I guess you shouldn't complain too much because they named the airline Air UK LEISURE


Approximate Vintage: 2006
Received From: Matthias Koch
Print or Image Color: Blue, Orange
Background / Bag Color: White
Not to be confused with World Air, this is quite the generically named carrier. You are asked to supervise children when using the bag, but I can't possibly figure out why.


Approximate Vintage: 2005
Received From: Oliver Conradi
Print or Image Color: Blue, White, Black
Background / Bag Color: Gray, White, Blue
This is an excellent bag from a museum exhibit in Gent regardingthe design of aircraft (I think). Very beautiful bag.

Alaska Airlines

Approximate Vintage: 2002
Received From: Bruce Kelly
Print or Image Color: Navy
Background / Bag Color: White
'To date there has never been a proper barf bag from an Alaskan carrier', according to Bruce who is an expert on both barf bags and Alaska. It's void of any characteristics identifying it as Alaska Airlines, however I suggest they print up the next bags with that picture of Johnny Cash that they put on the tailfin of the airplanes.

Alaska Airlines

Approximate Vintage: 2003
Received From: Bruce Kelly
Print or Image Color: Navy
Background / Bag Color: White
This bag is identical to the 2002 version except the bag now has a proper bottom and doesn't just join together in a crimped fashion.

Alaska Airlines

Approximate Vintage: 2005
Received From: Ralph Riffenburgh
Print or Image Color: Navy
Background / Bag Color: White
This bag is identical to the 2002 version except the bag is plastic with a tape seal, not paper and wax with a wire closure.

Alaska Airlines

Approximate Vintage: 2013
Received From: Faith Quintero
Print or Image Color: Navy
Background / Bag Color: White Plastic
Alaska Airlines uses this generic, but unique design on their bags over the years. On the bottom, you see that this bag has the ubiquitous LK logo along with the US Patent # 7,041,042

Alaska Airlines

Approximate Vintage: 2014
Print or Image Color: Navy
Background / Bag Color: White
This bag is identical to the 2013 model except LK plastics (see bottom) decided to register its trademark.

Albanian Airlines

Approximate Vintage: 2005
Received From: Christian Annyas
Print or Image Color: Navy
Background / Bag Color: White
All capital letters grace this bag with the cog 'n' soaring bird logo.

Alfa Airlines

Received From: Gerhard Lang
Print or Image Color: White
Background / Bag Color: Blue
Although the primary instructions are German, Spuckbeutel


Approximate Vintage: 2002
Received From: Thomas Blickle
Print or Image Color: Magenta
Background / Bag Color: White
If the writing on this was Hebrew, the airline name would be Fonef, or something like that. Nice Imperial Margarine crown in the dot on the i. Bag designers had to offset instructions on the side with the seal strip.


Received From: Thomas Doak-Dunnelly
Print or Image Color: Magenta
Background / Bag Color: White
Reasonably boring bag with a huge equals sign next to the airline's name.


Approximate Vintage: 2015
Received From: Wolfgang Lüthje
Print or Image Color: Purple
Background / Bag Color: White
Same as the 2002 version except Elag updated its logo

Alianza Summa

Approximate Vintage: 2005
Received From: Denir Camargo
Print or Image Color: Blue
Background / Bag Color: White
Avianca, Sam, and Aces team up to form Alianza Summa which they felt was best represented by a lame-o butterfly.


Received From: Mike Roselle
Print or Image Color: Blue
Background / Bag Color: White
This bag begs the question, "Do you spell it enrollando or enrolando?"


Received From: Andrew Angel
Print or Image Color: Brown, Green
Background / Bag Color: White
Old, large Alisarda Bag probably from the 1970s.


Received From: David Shomper
Print or Image Color: Brown and Orange
Background / Bag Color: White
I have no idea why they decided to print a wing-nut on the bag as if the logo was a fixture they were attaching to it.